On Ethics, Politics and Psychology in the Twenty-First Century
John M Rist
Not Available
On Creativity, Liberty, Love and the Beauty of the Law
Prof Todd Aspen Institute and 1 more
Todd Breyfogle
On Love, Confession, Surrender and the Moral Self
Dr Ian Villanova University and 1 more
Ian Clausen
On Education, Formation, Citizenship and the Lost Purpose of Learning
Professor Joseph George Fox University and 1 more
On Consumer Culture, Identity, the Church and the Rhetorics of Delight
Mark Clavier
On God, the Soul, Evil and the Rise of Christianity
John Peter Kenney
On God, The Soul, Evil and the Rise of Christianity
John Peter Saint Michaels College and 1 more
On Music, Sense, Affect and Voice
Professor Carol Christ Church and 2 more
Carol Harrison
On Solitude, Conscience, Love and Our Inner and Outer Lives
Ron St Johns College and 1 more
Ron Haflidson
On Creation, Science, Disenchantment and the Contours of Being and Knowing
Dr Matthew W Gannon University and 1 more
On Agamben, Arendt, Christianity, and the Dark Arts of Civilization
Dr Peter Iver University of North Carolina and 1 more
On Faith, Works, Eternity and the Creatures We Are
André St Johns College and 1 more
On Time, Change, History, and Conversion
Sean Hannan
Professor Sean Hannan
On Compassion, Healing, Suffering, and the Purpose of the Emotional Life
Professor Susan Catholic University of America and 1 more
Susan Wessel
On Agamben, Donatism, Pelagianism, and the Missing Links
Peter Iver Kaufman
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On Memory, Marriage, Tears, and Meditation
Margaret R Miles
On King Lear, The Confessions, and Human Experience and Nature
Kim Paffenroth
On Mystery, Ineffability, Silence and Musical Symbolism
Dr Laurence Dominican Studium and 1 more
Laurence Wuidar
On Distance, Belonging, Isolation and the Quarantined Church of Today
Pablo Irizar
On Images, Visual Culture, Memory and the Play Without a Script
Matthias Smalbrugge
On Images, Visual Culture, Memory and the Play without a Script
Professor Matthias Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and 1 more
On Signs, Christ, Truth and the Interpretation of Scripture
Dr Susannah Kings College London and 1 more
Susannah Ticciati
On Christology, Anthropology, Cognitive Science and the Human Body
Dr Martin Tilburg University and 1 more
Martin Claes
On the Confessions as 'Confessio'
Barry David
On Regular Life, Freedom, Modernity, and Augustinian Communitarianism
Professor Guillermo M University of Nevada and 2 more
On Hellenism, Judaism, Individualism, and Early Christian Theories of the Subject
Guillermo Morales Jodra
On the Nature, Limits, Meaning, and End of Work
Zachary Settle
On Interrogation, Introspection, Dialectic and the Ineluctable Polarity of Being and Knowing
Matthew W Knotts